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चर्म रोग में नीम का उपयोग कैसे करें?charm rog mein neem ka upayog kaise karen

 चर्म रोग में नीम का उपयोग कैसे करें अगर देखा जाए तो चर्म रोगों में नीम के बहुत फायदे है लेकिन इन फायदों को कैसे लेना है इसे  भी जान लेना चाहिए तभी हम जाकर नीम के फायदे का पूरा लाभ ले सकेंगे  चर्म रोगों में इसका बहुत महत्व माना जाता है लेकिन बहुत ही कम लोग इससे लाभ ले पाते हैं क्योंकि वह ऐसा सोचते हैं कि नीम का प्रयोग करने से तुरंत आराम हो जाएगा लेकिन ऐसा नहीं है  नीम एक आयुर्वेदिक औषधि है जिसका प्रयोग बहुत ही सोच समझकर किया जाता है और तभी जाकर इसके लाभ मिल पाते हैं अगर आपको दाद खाज खुजली एग्जिमा सोरायसिस ऐसी स्किन प्रॉब्लम होती है तो आप नीम का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं लेकिन नीम का प्रयोग कैसे करना है इसका भी आपको ज्ञान होना चाहिए अगर आप नीम के पत्तों से या फिर नीम के तेल से इलाज करते हैं तो हो सकता है आपका रोग ठीक ना हो क्योंकि लगातार अगर इलाज ना किया जाए तो फिर नीम से कोई फायदा नहीं होता आपको चाहिए प्रोडक्ट का इस्तेमाल करें बहुत सारी दवाइयां बाजार में मिल जाती है जो चर्म रोगों में लाभदायक होती हैं आप पतंजलि हिमालय या फिर डाबर कंपनी की ओर से आने वाली नीम की दवाइयों का उपयोग कर सकते हैं और इस तरीके से नीम का पूरा लाभ ले सकते हैं और चर्म रोगों को ठीक कर सकते हैं

Benefit neem in english

Neem tree is an Ayurvedic medicine for skin diseases. Neem, which is considered very effective and a miraculous medicine, is useful in almost all types of skin diseases, whether you have ringworm, itching, eczema, psoriasis, allergies, you have any kind of skin related problems. Neem is used in the biggest specialty of neem, 

How to treat psoriasis with neem

How to cure Psoriasis with Neem? If you are suffering from Psoriasis problem then you can try Neem. Today in modern era some people do not like to get treatment with Ayurvedic medicine or they do not believe in it, it is true to some extent. People who get good results from Ayurvedic medicines or in any disease, then those people trust them.

 But in the rush of modernity, many modern medicines have been developed, today one of the best medicines is available in English, Homeopathic, but it is also true that Ayurvedic medicines are also emerging rapidly today and very effective on diseases. Gives good effect Many people are being cured by Ayurvedic medicine which is made from many such herbs. Neem continues to trouble the person even today, due to which it gives a good benefit in skin diseases and it is used a lot. Psoriasis disease arises due to blood disorders in the body, but this is not the main reason and if it is treated with neem. If done, neem can prove to be very beneficial in this, but it is not necessary that psoriasis will be cured.

There are many facts of having psoriasis disease and it is a very difficult task to understand and know all of them because no one knows what is the main cause of psoriasis and what causes this disease, but when someone has psoriasis disease If it happens, it is prevented from eating, wearing, such things which can trigger psoriasis, that is, promote it, such things are prevented and this disease can be cured by taking some medicines and food and drink, but No one knows what is the main reason for this, we only know that this disease occurs due to deficiency or excess of immunity, but we want to know how to treat psoriasis with neem, so let's know a little about it. Huh 

pros and cons of eating neem leaves in psoriasis

 There are two ways to cure psoriasis. The first way is to consume neem for a week or two, in which you will have to take some neem leaves and grind them and drink their juice  daily in the morning  , this will destroy all the disorders of your blood and cure skin diseases. will likely increase  

Another way is to take some neem leaves and make a paste, now apply that paste on psoriasis daily and keep doing it daily for 1 to 2 weeks or if you do not get fresh neem leaves, then take neem oil and Massage it on psoriasis daily for 1 to 2 weeks, it can cure psoriasis, but it is not necessary that psoriasis will be cured, here only treatment with neem has been talked about, there is no 100% guarantee of its cure. can

Barphani cream uses

Barphani cream uses in hindi

If this does not cure your psoriasis, then you can use some other medicine, you can also use Ayurvedic cream. Barphani cream This cream is prepared from Ayurvedic medicine, like turmeric, castor oil   etc. have been used. This cream makes your skin soft and moisturised, you have to apply it maximum once or twice a day. Your psoriasis disease will gradually get better

If we talk about the side effects of this cream, then you will not see any side effects of this cream because no steroid has been used in it and only Ayurvedic medicines have been used in it. You can check on Amazon for more information. can 

Other benefits of neem

benefits of neem in eczema

Eczema, for which no one knows its cause yet, nor its treatment, yet it is treated by some medicines and some oil, neem oil is beneficial in it, neem oil should be applied and Himalaya telcut and Consuming Patanjali Kayakalp Vati cures eczema.

benefits of neem in allergy

Allergies, the cause of which can be anything, allergies are caused by many reasons in themselves, such as some are allergic to dust, some are allergic to sweet, some are allergic to air, some are allergic to water, some are allergic to food, some are allergic. Allergy to salt has its own account, due to which allergy is caused by any object or temperature, but some allergies are related to the skin, which repeatedly causes skin irritation and such problems, in such a situation it is better to take a bath with neem leaves. Remains and neem tablet should also be eaten from time to time if the person keeps on having skin related allergies.

 ringworm treatment with neem oil

Neem is used when there is a problem of ringworm. Neem is used in many ways on ringworm. Some people grind neem leaves and mix some curd in it and apply this paste on the ringworm area and after doing it for a few days, ringworm is cured. The problem gets cured and some people apply neem oil only on ringworm, it cures ringworm from the root if neem oil is good and quality oil.

 Benefits of neem in removing scabies

If a person has a problem of itching on the body and it feels like a very dry itching, it increases further on scratching, then in such a case, you can definitely take a bath with neem leaves for a few days, so that your itching solves the problem

benefits of neem in itching

 If there is a problem of itching in the body and nothing is visible externally, then neem leaves should be consumed on an empty stomach for a few days, that is, some of its leaves should be eaten on an empty stomach in the morning. There will be relief but if the itching is not cured then you should try another treatment.

Let us now tell you about some more great benefits of neem.

benefits of eating neem leaves on empty stomach in the morning

If neem leaves are eaten on an empty stomach in the morning, then it destroys harmful bacteria in the stomach and by destroying harmful bacteria, all types of skin diseases are also destroyed in your body and it also cleanses your blood. If you cannot eat neem leaves, then you can use its teeth and you get many benefits even by taking some quantity of it.

use of neem for face

If you want to keep your face beautiful and clean, then you must use neem for that. You can eat neem leaves on an empty stomach daily. If you do not want to do this, then you can make a paste of some neem leaves. You can also use it on your face and keep it on your face for some time, it destroys your bacteria which causes you neem destroys the bacteria and it destroys the pimples of your mouth. We tell you a better quote. You must have heard the name of Himalaya Neem Face Wash. It is a very widely used purifying Neem Face Wash in India and neem and turmeric are used in it, so you can wash your face with neem leaves. Can be washed and used daily, it keeps the face clean 

use of neem in killing fleas

If a person has a complaint of lice, then he should wash his head with neem leaves, it kills the lice in the head, this is a good remedy, if you wash your head with neem leaves two to three times, all the head lice will be destroyed. Is

to purify the blood

Neem purifies the blood, it destroys the toxins from the blood and purifies the blood. Different types of toxins are found in the blood and Neem makes the body healthy and beautiful by destroying these toxins. Do not come out and the blood remains pure and the immunity of the person is also strong.

Now let us talk about some of the products that are made by different companies and in which neem is used, people who do not have neem easily, those people are benefited by taking such products where You will get more detailed information about its daily dosage and its correct use

neem products

Patanjali Products

First of all, the products made by Patanjali are some of the main products Neem Ghanvati, Rejuvenating Vati and Arogya Vati, Neem is used in all these and all these products are used to give benefits in skin diseases.

Himalaya Products

 Products made by Himalaya Company: Himalaya Company's Famous Purifying Neem Face Wash, which uses Neem, Himalaya Antiseptic Cream, which also uses Neem, and Himalaya Telcut. Himalaya Wellness Pure Herbs Neem Tablet.

 Lean health products

A product made by the company which you get in the form of capsules, Neem is used in it.

Ziva neem product

Neem Herbal Tea Purifying Tablets made by Jiva Company, available in tablet form

neem product of dabur company

Which comes in combination of Giloy and Neem is a syrup which was made by Dabur company

Here we have mentioned neem products made by some good company, you can use the product of the company of your choice.

question Answer

Are psoriasis and eczema the same
The condition of both psoriasis and eczema is almost the same, sometimes it becomes difficult to differentiate between the two, which is eczema and which is psoriasis and their treatment is also almost the same, so the medicine you use in eczema. The same medicine is used in psoriasis and neem is used in the same way as it is used in eczema.


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